A Guide to Buying Bedside Lamps

A Guide to Buying Bedside Lamps

A Guide to Buying Bedside Lamps Bedside lamps provide a touch of comfort and class to your bedroom, and they instantly work to elevate and transform the aura of the room. They help to create a cosy atmosphere when relaxing and lounging, and they provide the perfect...
Our favourite blog posts of 2022

Our favourite blog posts of 2022

Our favourite blog posts of 2022 Is revamping your home decor on your list of New Year’s resolutions? Do you want to choose the best new furniture for every room in 2023? We’ve got plenty of advice and inspo on our blog, with design tips and tricks, Corcoran’s...
Our most read blog posts of 2022

Our most read blog posts of 2022

Our most read blog posts of 2022 All year we’ve been bringing you design advice, buying guides, and expert recommendations and information from our team. Whether you’re working on a home renovation project, redecorating a room, or looking for inspiration to revamp...
Glossary of Terms – Office Furniture

Glossary of Terms – Office Furniture

Glossary of Terms – Office Furniture Is a better home office setup on your to-do list for the new year? If your goal is to choose the right office furniture that will help you be more comfortable and productive when you’re working from home, then understanding...
What is Upholstered Furniture?

What is Upholstered Furniture?

What is Upholstered Furniture? Upholstery is an important element in many furniture types. Some furniture, like sofas, must be upholstered to create the looks and function you want and expect. Others, like beds and dining chairs, may or may not be upholstered...
Which Armchairs Offer the Best Back Support?

Which Armchairs Offer the Best Back Support?

Which Armchairs Offer the Best Back Support? At the end of a long day, there’s nothing nicer than kicking back in your living room and relaxing with a good book or your favourite television show. But whether you’re working outside or in an office, it’s likely that you...
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